Estate Planning is Not a DIY Project

Weekends, for many, are the time to engage in “Do It Yourself” (DIY) projects. Not only does working on a DIY project give you a sense of accomplishment, but it also allows you to save the money that you would otherwise spend to hire someone to do it for you. Most DIY projects are practical.. read more →

To Be or Not to Be. . . the Trustee: That Is The Question Donald and Shelly Sterling Have Posed to the Probate Court

In Act III, Scene i of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet gives his famous soliloquy beginning with “[t]o be or not to be: that is the question” where he ponders the morality of suicide. Donald and Shelly Sterling are not contemplating the lofty issue of life versus death at this time, but the financial issue of who has.. read more →

The Battle to Control Casey Kasem’s Health Care

A colorful clash among members of Casey Kasem’s family has made news headlines lately over the issue of who is entitled to make health care decisions for the ailing 82-year-old radio and television icon.   Casey suffers from Lewy Body Dementia, a disease similar to Parkinson’s Disease,  which  causes a progressive decline in cognitive abilities.  The.. read more →