Intentional Interference With An Expected Inheritance

A California appellate court in the case Beckwith v. Dahl ruled on May 3, 2012 that a plaintiff may now bring a cause of action for intentional interference with an expected inheritance (IIEI). To assert IIEI in a lawsuit, the injured party (i.e., the person who did not receive the anticipated inheritance) must allege that there.. read more →

Same Sex Marriage In California

Estate planning for same sex couples in California is challenging given the ever changing state law on what is considered a legal marriage in California and also due to the federal Defense of Marriage Act that does not recognize same sex marriage for federal law purposes. Proper estate planning for same sex couples who are.. read more →

“And They’re Off!” Pet Trusts for Horses

It’s Derby time! This means that it’s time once again to put on the fancy hat, mix-up the mint julep and watch 20 thoroughbreds compete for victory at Churchill Downs. Hopefully, the owners of these celebrated horses have properly planned their estates and have provided for the care and maintenance of their horses should something.. read more →

Amending Your Revocable Living Trust

Many people choose to have a revocable living trust as the center point of their estate plan.  The revocable living trust contains instructions about how to manage your assets during your lifetime, after your death, and after the death of your spouse or significant other, if applicable. By choosing a revocable living trust as part.. read more →

Payments Due To Artists Under The California Resale Royalty Act

Today, Sotheby’s sold Edvard Munch’s iconic painting The Scream at auction in New York for $119.9 million. To keep in the spirit of this occasion, I think it is appropriate to write a blog article on art law. An interesting issue faced by artists and sellers of art in California is compliance with the California.. read more →

What To Do When A Loved One Dies

Loss of a loved one is a painful experience, whether the death is expected or unexpected. During the grieving process, it is hard to focus on what needs to be done to wrap-up a loved one’s affairs. The following is a list of things to consider during this time: 1.         Take.. read more →